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The Children Garden
Since it's re-establishment in 2004, it has always been within Campos Community Garden's mission to work with local youth and neighborhood schools, in particular Children's Workshop School. We do also offer a Teacher Training Program. Our goal is to continue provide opportunities for children and cultivate an interest in gardening.

urban food
Working the soil in synergy with the ample sun allows for the growing of an abundant amount of fruit, herbs and vegetables to serve healthy household meals and share the produce with friends and community.
We are proud of Campos outstanding production and feel fortunate that the spot is on the list as one of the few community gardens available in NYC for urban horticulture
video credits Alexia Weidler

Over the years, Campos has conducted many science/ecology-related activities.
Our involvement in environmental initiatives includes mitigating rain water run off and helping endangered species.
We planted milkweed for Monarch butterflies and assisted in reintroducing the native ladybug of New York, a project by Cornell University.
In 2017, we become home for a honey bee hive

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